Lisa's Fav List

This blog is to safe keep the important (anything) list I have found from the internet.

8/11/2008 01:05:00 PM

Top 20 Torrent Sites

From Kid Tech Guru

1. Mininova
(Alexa rank of 60)

2. ThePirateBay
(Alexa rank of 98)

3. Isohunt
(Alexa rank of 133)

4. Torrentz
(Alexa rank of 145)

5. Demonoid
(Alexa rank of 394)

6. TorrentReactor
(Alexa ranking of 503)

7. BTJunkie
(Alexa ranking of 580)

8. SumoTorrent

(Alexa ranking of 720)

9. TorrentPortal
(Alexa rank of 843)

10. BitTorrent
(Alexa rank of 1,365)

11. Fenopy
(Alexa ranking of 2,766)

12. Seedpeer
(Alexa rank of 3,347)

13. TorrentBox
(Alexa rank of 3,402)

(Alexa ranking of 5,885)

15. YouTorrent
(Alexa rank of 7,823)

16. TorrentBytes
(Alexa ranking of 9,104)

17. BiteNova
(Alexa ranking of 15,245)

18. Torrent-Damage
(Alexa ranking of 15,594)

19. BushTorrent
(Alexa ranking of 20,772)

20. Torrentmatrix
(Alexa ranking of 56,772)